“veterinary homeopathy and holistic veterinary medicine"

Lecture by Tim Couzens “veterinary homeopathy and holistic veterinary medicine"tim_mx
31 march 2012
Tim Couzens, an international well known and renowned holistic veterinary surgeon and author of a number of books on homeopathy and complementary medicine, is coming to the Netherlands on 31th March 2012.
Tim Couzens qualified as a veterinary surgeon from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 1980 and attended some of the very first courses to be held for vets at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in Great Ormond Street, gaining his VetMFHom in 1991. In 1995 he established the Holistic Veterinary Centre in Lewes, East Sussex which employs two other veterinary surgeons and four lay staff and offers not only homeopathy but also acupuncture, herbal medicine, flower essences and chiropractic. He is consultant to a number of companies producing natural medicines for animals and has written for several magazines. He has a special interest in treating horses homeopathically.
Healthcare-Academy Den Hoek offers the unique chance to attend this interesting lecturing day and learn more about veterinary Homeopathy and Holistic veterinary medicine by Tim.
The topics of this lecturing day are:
·         Constitutional homeopathic prescribing in horses and dogs.
·         A brief introduction to herbal medicine.
·         Treating skin problems in dogs with homeopathy and supportive treatments (herbs and supplements).
·         Using the bowel nosodes with bit of a bias to gut problems

The course day will take place in the classroom of ‘Den Hoek’ in De Bilt, Bisschopsweg 2, 3732 HW, The Netherlands. The lectures will be held in English. The course hours are from 10.00 hours untill 18.00 hours (lunch included). The costs for the course day are 115,- euro (lunch, coffee/tea and handouts included). We offer an early birds disount: by registering before 01 February 2012 You only pay 95,- euros. The student rate for veterinary students is 45,- euro. You can submit registration on 
www.healthcare-academy.nl and you will find more details about the course. There are only limited places available, so we recommend signing in on time. Accreditation for this day will be requested by SCWD, NVFD, SNVA, BCND and SVAK.

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Las señales de calma

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